Karengera Kabuga Coffee
Washing Station
The Karengera Kabuga washing station is in Nyamasheke district produces specialty Rwandan coffee.
The Karengera Kabuga CWS is a smaller facility built in 2010. We process high-quality, fully washed, specialty Rwandan red Bourbon for specific markets.
We are very proud that Kabuga Karengera CWS is a 3-time Cup of Excellence award winner. In 2011 on 4th position; 2014 on 18th position and 2018 on 5th position.
Coffee here is produced by 328 individual smallholders including 130 women. They work with the CWS from the coffee nursery to harvesting the ripe cherries.
The Karengera region borders the shores of Kivu Lake and Nyungwe national forest. Coffee is grown at an altitude of 1,800 – 2,000m asl. The region is blessed with ideal coffee-growing conditions: regular rainfall and rich, volcanic to sand-clay soils with good organic structure.
Coffee flowering is between September and October and the harvest runs from end February to July, with shipments starting in late May-early June.
Altitude: 1,800 to 2,000m
Coffee variety: Arabica bourbon
Flowering period: September – October
Harvest time: End February – July
Number of farmers: 3,500
Accumulated farm size: 200ha of cherries collection
Region: Nyamasheke
Micro region: Kabuga – Karengera
Soil type: Volcanic to sandy clay
Soil pH mean: 5.3
Precipitation range: 1,400 – 1,600mm p.a.
Temperature range: 15 -18 degrees Celsius
Treatment capacity: 1,000 tons of cherries p.a.
Processing system: Wet processing in a washing station
Mucilage Removal: MacKinnon 3-disc pulper machine
Drying: 75 elevated tables, direct sun drying
Storage: One warehouse with a natural ventilation system and pallets
Road accessibility: Good
Water source: Natural spring
Energy Source: Generator
Environmental protection measures: Natural seepage and EM technology for organic manure production prom coffee pulp